byElvinas Predkelis
April 04, 2024
Since Rails 7, there's more and more tooling that enables us, developers, to roll our own authentication. Devise is great and has been an amazing companion over the years. It also has this neat little feature - an authenticated
route constraint which "hides" certain routes from people that are not signed in.
If you're using devise
, you might have seen something like this:
# routes.rb
authenticated { |user| user.admin? } do
get :dashboard
We'll try to replicate this natively.
We'll leverage advanced routing constraints to make this happen. Honestly, it's not as scary as it sounds. It basically means that we'll extract the logic to a class.
Below is a barebones class for the constraint.
# app/constraints/authenticated_constraint.rb
class AuthenticatedConstraint
def matches?(request)
return true_if_authenticated_method
Web applications usually leverage cookies to facilitate user authentication. When a user signs in, a cookie with a unique identifier is set in the browser. This cookie is then used to identify the user on subsequent requests.
Therefore, the signing in logic in your application might look something like this:
def sign_in(user)
Current.user = user
cookies.encrypted.permanent[:autheticated_user_id] =
Similarly, when a user signs out, the cookie is removed. Pretty simple.
In order to figure out whether a user is signed in, we'll use the same exact cookies in the constraint.
Rails usually encrypts the cookies for security reasons. Fortunately, there's decryption tooling that helps to dip our fingers into the cookie jar.
def matches?(request)
@cookies =, request.cookies)
# And then the cookies are accessible, for example:
# ...
A neat little thing that authenticated
also method does is that it allows passing a block. This block helps to add additional conditions to the constraint. For example, checking whether the user is an administrator.
In other words, we'll recreate that { |user| user.admin? }
def initialize(&block)
@block = block || lambda { |user| true }
def matches?(request)
# ...
# Here we could call the supplied block
# ...
Finally, we can mix everything together and add some finishing touches to make everything more readable.
The finished constraint class is as follows:
# app/constraints/authenticated_constraint.rb
class AuthenticatedConstraint
def initialize(&block)
@block = block || lambda { |user| true }
def matches?(request)
@cookies =, request.cookies)
return signed_in? &&
def current_user
@user ||= User.find(@cookies.encrypted[:authenticated_user_id])
def signed_in?
Obviously, it might need some adjustment to fit your application.
Adding this constraint into action is rather straight forward as authenticated
method was used as an inspiration.
# routes.rb
# Routes available to admins only
constraints{ |user| user.admin? } do
mount Sidekiq::Web => "/sidekiq"
get :admin_dashboard
# Routes available to authenticated users
constraints do
get :my_profile
root to: :dashboard, as: :user_root
That's it! 🎉
Hopefully, this article has shed some light on how to create a route constraint for authenticated users. It's rather useful when trying to set a new root route for authenticated users. Also, limit the access to certain routes based on user roles.
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